The Monarchs Take the Throne

The Monarchs Take the Throne

The past two 3×3 tournaments have all seen different champions. If you were left thinking “why should this one be any different?” then you would be right.

With BlazTros taking Round 1 and Gladiators taking Round 2, The Monarchs decided that it was time for them to assume the throne of the Triple Threat 3×3 Tournament.

Revamped and loaded with firepower, the team of Jerome Narcisse, Samuel O’Garro, Stephan Cotterell and Kwei General came out with blood in their eyes; even making the bold prediction “we are winning this”. They did not disappoint! They began by taking down the defending champs 18-17, then disposing of Blaztros 21-5. They sent the chosen ones packing 21-16 and would meet with the Gladiators once again for an epic, winner-takes-all finale!

Although Tikko Moore came out hot for and carried much of the load offensively for the Gladiators, it was not enough for the lights out shooting of Samuel O’Garro and the precision-based execution of Narcisse.

Final Score: Monarchs 22, Gladiators 14.