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	<title>national team &#8211; Cayman Islands Basketball Association</title>
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	<description>The Home Of Basketball in The Cayman Islands</description>
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	<title>national team &#8211; Cayman Islands Basketball Association</title>
		<title>Cayman Re-Peat at Island Games</title>
		<pubDate>Sun, 14 Jul 2019 15:41:28 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Latest news]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[National Programs]]></category>
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		<category><![CDATA[national team]]></category>
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					<description><![CDATA[Cayman&#8217;s National Men&#8217;s team have repeated GOLD at the Natwest Island Games after defeating powerhouse Sareema in the Championship match. This mean&#8217;s that the men&#8217;s program has medaled 6 out of the total ten appearances at the Islands games, racking up 4 silver and now 2 straight Gold Medals. What has been the difference? College [&#8230;]]]></description>
<p>Cayman&#8217;s National Men&#8217;s team have repeated GOLD at the Natwest Island Games after defeating powerhouse Sareema in the Championship match. </p>

<p>This mean&#8217;s that the men&#8217;s program has medaled 6 out of the total ten appearances at the Islands games, racking up 4 silver and now 2 straight Gold Medals.   What has been the difference?  College Experience!</p>

<p>The Current Cayman national Men&#8217;s team comprise of 12 players: 11 of which have played either in College and/or high school in the United States and 1 player that has played professionally in Germany, as opposed to previous silver medal teams that had 3-5 players with such experience.  This exposure has no doubt better equipped the team to compete at higher levels.  Cayman&#8217;s focus this year was defensive domination; Cayman played all of their opponents a full-court man-to-man defense.  Cayman&#8217;s defense was intense, aggressive and suffocating, resulting in them winning only one game of their 5 by less than 20 points.   </p>

<p>Cayman was strong off the bench as well, young players like Arin Taylor, Juawon Ebanks, Joshua O&#8217;Garro and Kai Robinson all came in and also put on stellar performances.  Overall it was a fantastic performance by the men&#8217;s team who will now focus their attention on the next Caribbean Championships tournament and an invitational tournament next Easter. </p>

<p>Head Coach Ed Pellot-Rosa and assistant Coach Duran Whittaker did a fantastic job preparing the team to defend their title. </p>

<p>The Cayman Team: Deandre Simpson, Kwei General, Shaad O&#8217;Garro, Arin Taylor, Samuel O&#8217;Garro, Jake Whittaker, Philip Webb, Davion Cotterell, Kai Robinson, Joshua O&#8217;Garro, Tikko Moore, Juawon Ebanks.  </p>