Tag Pwc under 16 girls

A Fearless Victory

Women of Valor Fearless are the new 2021 PWC National U16 Girls Champions 🏀🥇🏆💙👍🏼💪🏽

The WOV Fearless defeated Women of Valor Courage in a nail biting overtime finish on Saturday evening (July 10) at the John Gray Gym.

Courage led the game in the first quarter as their star player Annika Moore kept her teammates in the game but with a few defensive adjustments from Fearless Coach April Ebanks, Selezqua McLaughlin and her squad were neck and neck with the regular season champs through the end. When Fearless’ leading scorer McLaughlin fouled out late in the 3rd quarter everyone thought the game was over. But a few mins into the 4th quarter Courage’s leading scorer Moore also got her 5th foul. For the remainder of the game both teams were forced to finish without their leading scorers.

Selezqua McLaughlin led her Fearless team with 21 points. But it was Brivanna Bodden who stepped up big time for Fearless with 14 points, 7 rebounds, 3 steals. Also worthy of note, Bodden was 100% on the freethrow line.

Lorrie Brown also stepped up big grabbing 20 rebounds and 8 points.

For Courage: Annika Moore led the team with 31 points, 10 rebounds, 7 steals and 3 blocks.

The final score 51 to 49

Fearless Win Under 16 Girls Championship

Everyone loves it when the game goes down to the wire! That’s exactly what happened when the Women of Valor Fearless took met their counterparts, Women of Valor Courage in the finals of the PwC under 16 Girls League title match.  

These young ladies were anything but lady-like when the jump ball took place, making it clear they were all about business and could save the pleasantries until after the final whistle.  The game saw several lead changes and it was unclear as to who was walking away with the crown.  Latoya Brown of the WoV Courage dominated the paint, blocking almost anything that came near her and intimidating her opponents.  Lyandrea Watson was all over the court and all over the stat sheet, doing whatever was required to get her team to victory, scoring, rebounding and also snatching the ball away whenever it came in her vicinity.

But it was the the day when Fearlessness would prove more valiant that Courage as Shante Reid and Zaria Ebanks combined for 25 of their team’s 33 points and led their team to a 1 point victory in the dying seconds of the game! Ebanks and Reid were also most dominant for their teams on the boards, combing for 18 rebounds.   

Final Score: WV Fearless 33 points vs WV Courage 32 points
Winners – Fearless – Zaria Ebanks – 13 PTS, 12 REBS, 1 ST
                                 Shante Reid – 12 PTS, 6 REBS, 3 AS, 5 STS
Losing Team – WV Courage – Latoya Brown – 12 PTS, 11 REBS, 1 ST, 5 BLS
                                                 Lyandrea Watson – 9 PTS, 7 REBS, 2 AS, 6 STS, 1
FINALS MVP – Zaria Ebanks – WV Fearless
Photo Credit: Wil Bignal Photography