Code of Conduct

Codes of conduct are essential for several reasons:

  1. Guiding Behavior: They establish clear expectations for how individuals should act, helping people understand appropriate and inappropriate behavior in various settings.
  2. Promoting Integrity: They emphasize ethical behavior, helping to cultivate a culture of honesty, responsibility, and accountability.
  3. Enhancing Reputation: Organizations with well-defined and enforced codes are often perceived as more trustworthy, which can positively affect their reputation.
  4. Legal Compliance: They help ensure that individuals and organizations follow relevant laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.
  5. Conflict Resolution: By providing a framework for behavior, codes of conduct can help resolve conflicts more effectively by offering clear guidelines.
  6. Cultural Cohesion: They foster unity by providing shared values and norms, helping diverse groups work together harmoniously.
  7. Encouraging Reporting: A well-drafted code often includes mechanisms for reporting violations, empowering individuals to speak up against unethical behavior.
  8. Strategic Alignment: They align individual behavior with the organization’s goals and values, ensuring that everyone works toward common objectives.

These factors make codes of conduct a critical tool for fostering healthy, respectful, and effective environments for our organization. Please see our codes of conduct below. If you want to report a violation of any of these codes of conduct, please email

Coaches Code of Conduct – Click Here

Officials Code of Conduct – Click Here

Players Code of Conduct – Click Here

Parents Code of Conduct – Click Here